Oral Health Spotlight: The Microorganisms That Live in Your Mouth

October 21, 2024

Oral Health Spotlight: The Microorganisms That Live in Your Mouth

If you ever feel lonely, just remember that your body is home to millions of microorganisms that have a symbiotic relationship with you. They depend on you to live, and you rely on them to perform vital functions like helping with digestion, fighting harmful microorganisms, and producing certain vitamins. The bacteria that live in your mouth are no exception. Of the 700+ species of bacteria and fungi that call your mouth home, many of them aid in digestion and help protect you from harmful infections.

Of course, some others produce harmful byproducts that eat away at your tooth enamel and attack your gum tissue. By maintaining a robust oral health routine, you can keep all these microorganisms in check so they don’t get out of control. That includes brushing twice daily, flossing, using mouthwash, and visiting the dentist every six months. That will help to keep harmful bacteria under control so the beneficial members of your mouth biome can thrive. Here’s more about some of the microorganisms that live in your mouth:

Beneficial Microorganisms

Not all microorganisms are bad for you; in fact, you wouldn’t be able to live without many of them! These include:

    • Lactobacilli – This group of helpful bacteria exists in many places in your body, including the intestines and mouth. They aid in digestion, and they can also help you fight harmful bacteria that cause gingivitis and gum disease.

    • Streptococcus Salivarius – This strain of probiotic bacteria strongly opposes the growth of Streptococcus Pyogenes, the bacteria that causes strep throat

    • Bifidobacterium Lactis – This type of bacteria is part of the culture used to make dairy products like cheese and yogurt, and it’s also present in large numbers in your gut and gastrointestinal tract. It helps your body absorb important vitamins and minerals, and some strains also produce folic acid, an essential vitamin.

Harmful Mouth Microorganisms

While you have plenty of friends living in your mouth, they face opposition from some bad seeds. These harmful microorganisms can get into your mouth from the air or the foods you eat, and keeping them in check is crucial to your oral health. These include:

    • Streptococcus MutansOne of the most common bacteria that causes cavities, S. mutans thrives in microscopic holes and cracks in tooth enamel. Once established, these bacteria feed on the sugars you eat and produce acidic byproducts that erode the tooth enamel. Once that decay starts, it can spread quickly and result in tooth loss. Luckily, brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are great ways to inhibit the growth of S. mutans so you can have healthy teeth and gums!

    • Candida Fungus – Although this microscopic yeast occurs naturally in your mouth and on your skin, it can cause plenty of issues if it grows out of control. In the mouth, candida can cause oral thrush, a type of yeast infection. Thrush causes white lesions to form in the mouth, as well as irritation, burning, and difficulty swallowing. While most people won’t have any significant issues from oral thrush, those with reduced immunity may have more difficulty fighting the infection.

Dental Office in River West Chicago

We know that thinking about millions of microorganisms in your mouth may not be pleasant. Still, it helps to think of probiotic bacteria as friends that help you stay healthy and fight the bad factors that cause tooth decay and other conditions. Part of keeping those harmful microorganisms under control is visiting your dentist regularly. If you live in the Chicago area, American Dental can be your strongest ally in the fight against harmful microorganisms in your mouth biome! 

Call us at (773) 284-1645 if you need dental services in River West Chicago or at any of our 8 locations in the area.

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