The Latest HPI Poll Found Three-Quarters of Dentists Will Raise Fees in 2023

December 19, 2023

Dental practices have three main challenges facing them in 2023. These are rising costs, staffing, and insurance reimbursement. Due to these challenges, nearly three out of four dental practices are raising their prices. Others have different plans in the works for combating their struggles. Some plan ways to shorten reimbursement periods, while others are looking to staffing agencies. Consider some of the following information about these challenges.

The ADA, or American Dental Association, conducts a monthly poll on emerging issues in dental practices, and the following are three issues commonly cited.

Staffing Issues

When your dental office is understaffed, filling all the available appointments is an issue. This makes it hard for your office to make the revenue it needs. Recruitment of new assistants and hygienists is on a downward turn. Some dentists say the lack of patients keeps them from filling their appointments. But even with that, nearly 66% of dentist offices say lack of staffing is their biggest issue.


About 40% of dental practices claim that the increased price of everything is the biggest issue facing their practices. From supplies for cleaning your teeth to the utilities of the building, inflation has hit everything and everyone. This is one of the leading factors why nearly 75% of dental practices are raising their prices.

Insurance Reimbursement

Getting your insurance companies to send out payments for services rendered can be an issue. In fact, nearly 40% of dental practices claim this is one of the significant problems they face. This means you must conquer this problem before dealing with new patients and future visits.

Dr. Sharma can help you learn about these changes and plan your dental health care. We pride ourselves on staying on top of the latest in dental health practices.


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